Strategic Plan

2022-2026 ILASFAA Strategic Plan

Training and Professional Development 

Goal: Provide quality training and professional development opportunities that are responsive to membership needs.

  • Provide a professional annual conference with a strong program that supports the mission of ILASFAA.
  • Provide frequent professional development opportunities throughout the year that assist members with understanding, maintaining and implementing current and new rules and regulations using various delivery methods.
  • Encourage all ILASFAA members to share their talents by participating in training activities, including attendance, presenting sessions, and/or facilitating discussions at conference and training events.
  • Offer programs and conscious engagement of work surrounding personal identity attributes in professional development opportunities and interest sessions.
Goal: Explore leadership development opportunities to prepare members for greater responsibilities within the financial aid profession and ILASFAA.
  • Provide a leadership retreat every other year to promote professional development and leadership within ILASFAA.
  • Foster a supportive, diverse environment that encourages member’s involvement in committee participation and Executive Board leadership.
  • Develop ILASFAA members into ILASFAA leaders and develop ILASFAA leaders into regional and national leaders.

Membership Engagement and Growth

Goal: Engage and provide opportunities to improve communication and networking to the membership.
  • Regularly inform the membership of Executive Board and Committee activities.
  • Determine the most effective method (social media, email, blogs, etc.) and schedule of communication with membership to ensure needs are being met.
  • Engage members through networking activities to view ILASFAA as “their” association by taking responsibility in its success, growth and development.
  • Create a “new member” communication plan to ensure targeted messages are shared timely and encourage new member participation in ILASFAA committees.
    • Example: Emails to be sent one-month and three-months after the annual conference on how to make the most of their membership.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

 Goal: Intentional focus and commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
  • Maintain an ILASFAA Diversity Statement that will be reviewed and reaffirmed with each new Strategic Plan to acknowledge the wide range of diversity elements the association is seeking to promote and include.
  • Recognize and appreciate the diverse personal attributes that shape our ILASFAA members and the students they serve that include race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability and appearance.
  • Ensure that Executive Board, committee membership and election ballots account for the diversity found in ILASFAA membership and sectors we represent.
  • Commitment to retain and increase ILASFAA membership, participation and engagement across our diverse membership by clearly identifying and marketing the benefits of being a member of ILASFAA.

Advocacy and Legislative Issues:

Goal: Provide resources and updates for members to advocate for students and post-secondary institutions through the legislative process.

  • Collaborate with state agencies and other associations by advocating for easier access and affordability to post-secondary education through the financial aid process and programs.
  • Encourage discussion, educate the membership, and provide tools that will enable members to be engaged in the legislative process by fostering relationships with State and Federal legislators and their staff.
  • Provide feedback regarding the development of new public policies, both legislative and regulatory, that ensure the availability of post-secondary education.
  • Provide a forum for governmental agencies and sponsors to present new rules, regulations, innovations, and encourage public comment.

ILASFAA Infrastructure

Goal: Maintain financial stability and sustain ILASFAA’s future through effective governance.

  • Continual financial planning to ensure the overall viability, fiscal strength and sustainability of the ILASFAA by regularly reviewing the reserves, annual operating budget and investment strategy.
  • Ensure that ILASFAA Bylaws reflect the mission of ILASFAA and support the viability of the organization while maintaining and updating policies and procedures to reflect the ILASFAA Bylaws.
  • Monitor all activities to ensure fiscal self-sufficiency and develop processes to evaluate the financial impact of our programs and services.
  • Maintain easily accessible and thorough ILASFAA archives.
Goal: Evaluate organization and committee structures ensuring they reflect the mission of ILASFAA.

  • Develop Executive Board and committees that ensure relevancy, diversity and allow for engagement, feedback and timely decision-making.
  • Create outcomes for the Executive Board and committee chair positions to clarify responsibilities, to provide guidance, and to measure overall effectiveness of the role.
  • Identify measurable standards to evaluate the overall effectiveness of ILASFAA and ensure it is continuing to meet our mission.
  • Develop processes to preserve the records of ILASFAA, including past leaders, committee chairs, members, conference programs and activities.
  • Consider creative ways to make ILASFAA activities affordable and of value to the membership.